Friday, 13 January 2012

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Was learning to tie her shoe,
With laces so long,
She got it all wrong,
And didn't know what to do.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Tried it again now to,
Taking each strand,
One in each hand,
But didn't know what to do.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Was starting to go all blue,
When making a loop,
In front of her group,
But did she know what to do.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Started flaffing about now to,
Because she forgot,
What she was taught,
And still didn't know what to do.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Kept trying to tie her shoe,
When oh what a rot,
She got a big knot,
And still she hadn't a clue.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Started loosing her head now to,
When doing what’s right,
She then seen the light,
But still she hadn't a clue.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Then asked her teacher who knew,
"Please help me miss,
With all of this,
So I can tie my shoe.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Got all her answers to,
When asking for help,
While feeling the guilt,
As her teacher tied her shoe.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Started to smile now to,
When taking each strand,
One in each hand,
As she learned to tie her shoe.

Miss Hickety Pickety Poo,
Now knows what to do,
When things go wrong,
With laces so long.
And she can tie her shoe.

By Dr Geebers

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