Thursday, 21 March 2013

On a day when your feeling down

On a day when your feeling down
Smile, smile, smile don't you frown
Even if your on the ground
In a sleeping bag in any town

Or even if you have lost a mate
Smile, smile, smile don't get in a state
For many people can relate
Even though this could be fate

Taking you to a different high
Smile, smile, smile don't you cry
For your beautiful that is why
Now don't give up before you die

For this id life my little friend
Smile, smile, smile to the bitter sweet end
Even if you have to blend
With other people to break this trend

Yet if you cry then don't worry
Because your eyes are a little blurry
as in these moments we have no jury
And want a drink so our words become slurry

So we forget what happened today
When things are miserable and totally grey
Then we pick ourselves up and smile away
As we remember the good times at the end of the day

This poem was written for all those people who have died on the streets of Brighton this past winter. To my knowledge that was 16 people which is a crying shame. But if you are like me and don't like being around junkies then you would rather take your chances with the weather than go up against them stealing of you in hostels.
Even so the U.K. homeless teams or outreach workers would rather relocate you to where you come from than actually give you accommodation in the place where you are.
Many people run away from hard times like sexual abuse, violence, drink, drugs and want to change their lives around but can't because they want to speak to someone who has actually experienced the same as them, than speak to someone who has just got out of university and has experienced nothing except having a good time of course.

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