Thursday, 21 March 2013

Looking at the beautiful women

Looking at the beautiful women
Walking past my bed at night
I think to myself  i'm so lucky
To see such a beautiful sight

Even though I am homeless
And living out on the street
In my sleeping bag oh oh yeah
Meeting everyone I simply meet

Even though everyone keeps staring
As I do what i simply do
And I hear a lot of them saying
He's not homeless too

Is it because I sit and write
To hopefully improve my life
Yet money isn't everything
Now that's real sacrifice

With many a laughing stranger
Going out to enjoy their night
No much wonder I simply drink
And love the words I write

For everyone to simply see
And read on this blog too
Yet I don't get paid for doing this
But then again would you

with inspiration running freely
As the cold air gives its bite
In Brighton at Christmas time
That's what makes poets stand and fight

Even though we have our troubles
And our words come in perfect flow
We have to stand up for ourselves
If trouble comes you know

Which could take us back to prison,
As we defend our health,
Even though we have no money
Or should i say no wealth

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